September 7, 2009

Old Logger's Path (09-01)

September 4-7, 2009
Organized by: Joe Moran

The first official trip of the 2009 Fall semester was held in Tiadaghton State Forrest along the Old Logger's Path Trail. The hike was clockwise starting at night in Masten, an abandoned logging town, and completed the entire trail. The trail was marked by a few very significant elevation changes, but overall was an excellent trail system. Early sections of the trail proved to slightly over-grown and prickly, though this was short-lived. The weather was perfect, highs in the 70's and lows in mid 50's. In the prospect of the perfect weather the group elected to not bring any tents and instead sleep on tarps. The food brought was pasta, instant mashed potatoes, stuffing, chicken, eggs, and a large quantity of other foods. There was an excellent amount of food resulting in very little left over at the end of the trip and the portions were very generous. The end of the hike was marked by a stay at the legendary water-hole along the path. The entire group ventured forth into the frigid waters, and many members participated in a an early morning "polar bear swim." The group was cheerful and cooperated well, old friends and new all around.

Members in attendance:
Joe Moran
Dan Trew

Diana Zahuranec
Molly Burbank & Tuffy
Roozbeh Foroozan
Kelly McFadden
Ben Hardwick
Rich Schatz
Emily Riddle

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